“When you loose sight of your path, listen for the destination in your heart.”
― Katsura Hoshino
Inspiring Destinations
“Traveling to a destination that takes you away from daily distractions is essential for writing. We explore our curiosity and expand imagination.”
– Mel Miller, JOE Creative Director
8 things to share about our retreats:
- Retreats are designed by experienced travel and event planners.
- Sessions are fun and range from 1 hour to 3 hours dail.
- Retreat presenters are qualified subject matter experts.
- Many of our retreats provide CPE (certified professional education) credits.
- Retreats are priced based on location, venue, materials, staff and presenters.
- All retreats are designed to be engaging interactive experiences.
- Each destination offers additional pursuits such as yoga, spa therapy, photography, music, food, and local culture.
- Time is allotted daily for peaceful periods of independant writing.
Contact us to learn more and ask questions.
Retreat Calendar
April 2020, Asheville NC
Interesting Characters; Short Stories with Fictional Characters
We will explore the storytelling of the Appliacian women. Historically oral stories were shared while baking or foraging. Sessions are in a historic school house now converted into a bakery and forage with an herbology expert for wild plants and herbs. Our presenters include writers and crafters of baking and healing.
Contact us for itenerary and detailed pricing.
July 2020, Santa Fe NM
Destination Happiness; Soulful travel and Short Stories
For travelers within us all. This workshop in the heart of the Southwest will bring together experts sharing the historic experiences of women travelors from this region, who saw the world. What is it about environment and landscape that compels creative minds to seek adventure and flourish.
Contact us for itenerary and detailed pricing.
October 2020, the Birkshires MA
Creating Supernatural Stories
This retreat takes us to a place of literary inspiration tragedy and mystery. This retreat is recommended for those who love the supernatural or seek to write about the paranormal. Sessions at Edith Wharton House and Naumkeag reveal dramatic details of the bigone world of 19th century women.
Contact us for itenerary and detailed pricing.
September 2020, Paris FR
The Paris Journey – A Novel Idea
This retreat is a novel writing immersion experience and is only open by invitation.
This retreat is intended for women who seek to immerse themselves in writing or creative pursuits while in Paris. Attendees share an apartment and travel with other motivated creative women.
Contact us for itenerary and detailed pricing.
You have a story to tell it’s about time to tell it.
Retreat Registration
We look forward to seeing you soon!