About the event
October 17, 2015
6:00 – 11:00 pm
Location TBA…stay tuned!
The Annual October Broadway for Breast Cancer-Masquerade Ball in beautiful Orlando, Florida is the premier event supporting the National Breast Cancer Foundation. The highlights of the event include wonderful not to be missed performances by Rollins College School of Music and Orlando Ballet School!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and this event raises money and awareness for fighting breast cancer; benefiting the National Breast Cancer Foundation, NBCF.
The event also includes a fabulous silent auction; travel to Paris, fine wine, elegant jewelry and more!
Please review opportunities for sponsorship.
The need to raise money for Breast Cancer Awareness and Women’s Health is ever growing. This event is one of a kind in Orlando, a community based on valuing the Performing Arts and Entertainment!
Consider becoming a Sponsor today! Support this wonderful tribute to the performing arts while raising money for the needs of women in your community!
Just click here for a list of Sponsorship Opportunities!
Contact us today with your Masquerade Ball questions: info@journeyofeight.com or Call 321.438.8978
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Early detection saves lives! Click on the ribbon above to learn more about
National Breast Cancer Foundation.
The 2015 Masquerade Ball Theme
The 2015 Broadway for Breast Cancer- Masquerade Ball will be in the theme of Phantom of the Opera.
Highlights include outstanding performances by: Orlando Ballet School and Rollins College Classical Music Program
Wonderful Food, entertainment, festive atmosphere, dancing and fabulous silent auction items! ! An event not to be missed!