“From the standpoint of daily life, there is one thing we do know: That we are here for the sake of others…for the countless unknown souls with whose fate we are connected by a bond of sympathy.”
~ Albert Einstein
Journey of Eight a Convener
An dedicated alliance of individuals, businesses, community partners and organizations all brought together to accomplish great services for our clients.
Talent, Tools and Resources
Journey of Eight is a creative convener; resourcing subject matter experts who provide talent, tools and resources for strategic business development activities.
We provide services to Companies and Non-Profit Organizations. More importantly we provide services for people like you.
Our goal is to professionally design and coordinate development initiatives that serve our clients goals for growth and sustainability.
Cultural Growth and Philanthropy
Cultural Growth is about enriching the communities where we live and conduct business. Philanthropy is about giving back.
Our teams work to achieve significant outcomes with cultural and philanthropic consideration; identifying social entrepreneurship as our mission.
When we Give, we Receive.
Join JOE this year supporting cultural and social services, improving our communities, cultivating personal and professional growth. All while increasing sales and expanding networks!
JOE Provides Fabulous Meaningful Services and in this We Delight
Our service offering includes;
Creative Development Strategies
Leadership and Board Retreats
“Funraising” Workshops
Full services special Event Planning
Grass roots Fundraising projects
Personal and professional development Workshops
Development and Marketing Research Consulting Services
Journey of Eight seeks to…
Elevate Experiences for All
At Journey of Eight we strive to provide services that enable participants to engage in fabulous experiences. Our development services work because they are based in core evidence based models. Our services offer value, cultural enrichment, self discovery, philanthropy and fun; all with an emphasis on quality.
Get in touch, today.
Participate in the Paris Journey!
Contact JOE with questions, desires to be involved or just to learn more. JOE cares and looks forward to your participation and friendship!